Saturday, May 30, 2009

Black Friday

Well, I guess that I should have more time for cycling now that I'm unemployed. The trouble is, I don't seem to be in the mood for it. Friday was the one of the worst days of my life. The only good part about it was getting together with friends for a beer or two Friday evening. I couldn't get to sleep until about 3am Saturday morning, then all I wanted to to Saturday morning was sleep. At least when you are sleeping, you aren't worrying about interviews, selling the house, moving, making sure your family still has health insurance, not seeing your friends again, etc..... I was invited to go on a nice Saturday morning ride, but at 7am my stomach was still doing flip-flops. The queesy feeling finally started going away by Saturday afternoon. Now it is sort of a dull ache. Maybe it was all the beer? Doubtful. Only time will heal.


NOA said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. It hurts us all to see how these tough times affect our cycling / blogging friends.

Keep your helmet tipped up and portray a positive attitude. Great opportunities find great people.

I know you'll look back at this as a blessing after you connect with those that appreciate the skills and experience you bring to the table.

Don't take it personally. Just like a bike wreck, dust yourself off, get back on, and ride through the pain. You'll emerge a stronger man and your next employer will appreciate your new found strength.

Antennaguy said...

Thanks! I've already started sending out resumes, however with my specialty, it will likely involve moving out of state. Nebraska Trails might eventually become Utah Trails or Michigan Trails ...